The Confessional Presbyterian volume 11 (2015)


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The Confessional Presbyterian 11 (2015). Contents.

John Murray, by Danny E. Olinger.

The Regulative Principle of Worship & Song in the Public Worship of God, by John Murray.

Sanctification, the Law, and Good Works: Their Relationship in the American Reformed Tradition, by C. N. Willborn.

The Church’s Care for the Penitent: Some Considerations, by Joseph E. Rolison.

An Exposition of Psalm 68, by Benjamin Shaw.

Strange Bedfellows: Darwinism and the Reformed Theological Tradition, by Mark Jones.

The Christian Ministry in the Church: Its Reasons, Duration and Goal, and Practical Effects (Ephesians 4:11–16), with Special Emphasis on verse 12, by Richard C. Barcellos.

Let’s Do Presbyterianism: The Trinitarian Foundations of Biblical Church Polity, by James J. Cassidy.

James Bannerman’s The Church of Christ: A Tract for these Times, by Carl R. Trueman.

Rites & Ceremonies in Public Worship, by James Bannerman.

Holy Communion and Revivalism in the First Great Awakening, by Glen J. Clary.

How Free Was Adam’s Will? Examining John Lafayette Girardeau’s Critique of Jonathan Edwards’ View of Adam’s Will Before the Fall, by Caleb Cangelosi.

Which Comes First, the Intellect or the Will? Alvin Plantinga and Jonathan Edwards on a Perennial Question, by Jeffrey C. Waddington.

William Perkins: Augustine’s Protégé & Father of Puritan Theology, by Barry Waugh.

American Presbyterianism and the Religious Observance of Christmas, by Chris Coldwell and Andrew J. Webb


Sic et Non. Views in Review: The Content of Song for the Public Worship of God. Andrew J. Webb and Dennis J. Prutow.


Franciscus Junius, The Mosaic Polity.

Gerald Bray, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology. 

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today, eds. Mees te Velde and Gerhard H. Visscher

N. T. Wright Surprised By Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues

Synopsis Purioris Theologiae/Synopsis of a Purer Theology: Latin Text and English Translation — Volume 1, Disputations 1-23

Psallo, Psalm 92.

In Translatiōne: Johannes Wollebius’ Præcognita of Christian Theology from Compendium Theologiæ Christianæ.

Antiquary: The Discovery of the Westminster Larger Catechism Manuscripts, Chad Van Dixhoorn.

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