The Confessional Presbyterian volume 12 (2016)


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The Confessional Presbyterian Volume 12 (2016)  296pp.

Cover: Thomas E. Peck (1822–1893)

Table of Contents

2. Editorial


3. Pastoral Letters on the Observance of the Sabbath. By Thomas E. Peck, T. V. Moore and Benjamin Morgan Palmer

27. Southern Presbyterian Sabbatarianism. By James Henley Thornwell, et al.

40. Dropping the Subject, Again? The Decline of Sabbatarianism in the Old Southern Presbyterian Church and in the Presbyterian Church in America. By Chris Coldwell

100. The Doctrine of the Sabbath with a Particular look at its Application in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. By Benjamin P. Glaser

109. Politics, International Relations, and the Sabbath: The 1915 International Lord’s Day Congress. By Frank J. Smith

130. Leviticus 23 and the Christian Sabbath. By Benjamin Shaw

135. What Should a Typical Sabbath Look Like and Why? By Ryan M. McGraw

142. The Christian Sabbath: Destiny not Drudgery. By Roy Mohon

149. John Calvin, the Nascent Sabbatarian: A Reconsideration of Calvin’s View of Two Key Sabbath-Issues. By Stewart E. Lauer

161. The Sabbath Day and Recreations on the Sabbath: An Examination of the Sabbath and the Biblical Basis for the “No Recreation” Clause in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.8 and Westminster Larger Catechism 117. By Lane Keister

173. Regulae de Observatione Sabbathi: The Synod of Dort’s (1618–19) Deliverance on the Sabbath. By Daniel R. Hyde

185. Our Reasonable Service: Sabbath Doctrine of the Nadere Reformatie. By Justin B. Stodghill

195. Is the Westminster Confession’s Doctrine of the Sabbath a Judaizing Doctrine? By Geoffrey L. Willour

206. The Fourth Commandment: Annulled or Sustained? By Carl E. Erickson

Table of Contents Continued

225 Reviews & Responses: Terry L. Johnson, Worshipping with Calvin: Recovering the Historic Ministry and Worship of Reformed Protestantism and Serving with Calvin: Leading and Planning Services of Worship in the Reformed Church (Barry Waugh) 225 ■ Nicholas P. Lunn, The Original Ending of Mark: A New Case for the Authenticity of Mark 16:9–20 (Benjamin Shaw) 226 ■ John C. Clark and Marcus Peter Johnson, The Incarnation of God: The Mystery of the Gospel as the Foundation of Evangelical Theology (Scott Cook) 229 ■ R. Baines, et al, Confessing the Impassible God: The Biblical, Classical & Confessional Doctrine of Divine Impassibility (Peter Sanlon) 234 ■ Benjamin Morgan Palmer, The Broken Home; or Lessons in Sorrows (C. N. Willborn) 235 ■ Sean Michael Lucas, For a Continuing Church: The Roots of the Presbyterian Church (Lane Keister) 236■

239 Psallo: Psalm 5:1–12

242 In Translatiōne: John Brown of Wamphray: Recreations and the Sabbath

262 Antiquary: A Transcription of James Durham’s Sermon on Ephesians 4:11-12, taught before the Synod of Glasgow, October 5, 1652.

284 Bibliography

295 The Editors

In Brief: The Lord’s Day is no Human Constitution (134) ■ In Brief: John Owen on Isaiah 58:13 (141) ■ In Brief: Zanchius on “Remember the Sabbath day” (148) ■ In Brief: We must rest also from speaking & hearing of worldly matters (172) ■ In Brief: The Sabbath Day a Creation Ordinance ■

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