By Brett Rudder (GPTS)
The twentieth volume of The Confessional Presbyterian will feature an interdisciplinary collection of articles and book reviews pertinent to confessional Presbyterians of different denominations. The aim of the journal is to promote greater understanding and academic exploration of the doctrinal standards and convictions of confessional Presbyterianism in historical and current application.
The cover of this volume of the journal will feature a portrait of the significant and influential sixteenth-century English Puritan William Perkins (1558-1602). As one of the leading theologians, exegetes, and preachers of his generation, William Perkins greatly influenced the religious life of England (and the early American Colonies in New England) and the development of Post-Reformation Reformed Orthodox theology.
Each issue of The Confessional Presbyterian features not only a commissioned portrait of a figure from Reformed and/or Presbyterian history, but also articles and reviews addressing the life, thought, and influence of the depicted figure. While the editors of the journal are always keen to consider articles treating any subject or topic of interest to confessional Presbyterians, the journal is this year calling especially for articles interacting with the following potential subjects:
- The life and lasting influence of William Perkins and his contemporaries or students
- Ramism and its influence on the development of Reformed theology (either through or apart from the particular employment of Ramism by William Perkins)
- The doctrine of worship and the regulative principle of worship
- William Perkins’ unique contributions to the Reformed theology of preaching
- The place of preaching and ministry of the Word in corporate worship
- Soteriology, and particularly the Ordo Salutis (i.e., what Perkins referred to as “The Golden Chaine”) and predestination
- The development of pre-critical biblical exegesis in the longer seventeenth century, and especially following the reinvigoration of exegetical theology and commentary-writing which was a hallmark of the magisterial Reformation
- William Perkins’ Christology
- William Perkins’ treatment of conscience
- The development of Puritan Sabbatarianism in the Elizabethan era and beyond
The editors are soliciting contributions from scholars, pastors, and advanced theological students from a variety of denominational backgrounds within the umbrella of confessional Presbyterianism to bring together a range of thoughtful and critical reflections on William Perkins and/or those subjects which he most frequently engaged. While completed articles are preferred, proposals are encouraged if potential authors would like editorial feedback before dedicating time to research and writing. All final submissions are subject to peer review for approval, regardless of editorial input in the research and drafting process.
To respond to the call for papers, please contact us for an email to send your submission with an abstract of no more than 500 words. Submissions will be evaluated on the contribution they could make to the journal, their clarity of style, and their significance for the study of confessional Presbyterian history and theology. Finished articles should be submitted by September 1, 2024 and will be subject to a blind review process. Doctoral students, Divinity students, and junior scholars are strongly encouraged to submit articles for consideration.
Style and length parameters for all submissions are found online at submissions.