Author Index: Volumes 1-19 (2005-2023)
- Allen, Walter. Upon the Book of Dr. N. Bownd on The Doctrine of the Sabbath. 10.
- Anderson, R. D. Why are Ecclesiastical Feast Days in the Reformed Church Order? 15.
- Anonymous. Death of Dr. Plumer. 9.
- Anonymous. In Brief: Death of the Rev. Dr. M’Crie. 17.
- Anonymous. In Brief: Lines on the Death of Dr. M’Crie. 17.
- Anonymous. In Brief: Rev. Dr. Alexander in Virginia. 8.
- Anonymous. In Brief: Introduction to the United States Christian Magazine of 1796. 2.
- Anonymous. In Brief: Two Good Anecdotes [Re: Samuel Miller and Archibald Alexander]. 1.
- Anonymous. In Brief: William Carruthers: 1830–1922). 1.
- Arnold, Patrick. Review: Paul Helm, Eternal God: A Study of God Without Time, 2nd ed. 7.
- Backensto, Bruce R. John Brown of Wamphray, Richard Baxter and the Justification Controversy, 3.
- Baillie, Robert. In Brief: Robert Baillie on the Chiliasm of Archer, Burroughs and Goodwin. 7.
- Bannerman, James. Rites & Ceremonies in Public Worship. 11.
- Barcellos, Richard C. “A Sabbath rest for the people of God”: An Exegetical Study of Hebrews 4:9–10. 13.
- Barcellos, Richard C. The Christian Ministry in the Church: Its Reasons, Duration and Goal, and Practical Effects (Ephesians 4:11–16), with Special Emphasis on verse 12. 11.
- Barnes, Roland S. The Practice of Lent and the Reformed Tradition. 10.
- Bartoe IV, Frank L. Approaching a Heavenly Reality in a Temporal Realm: Robert Bruce’s Theology of the Sacrament. 15.
- Beattie, Francis R. Thomas Dwight Witherspoon (1836–1898). 14.
- Beers, Gavin. The Discipline of Baptized Members: Are Baptized Members Subject to the Judicial Process of the Church? 15.
- Biese, Ryan. Review: David W. Hall, Irony and the Presbyterian Church in America. 19.
- Biese, Ryan. Review: Zachary M. Garris, Dabney on Fire: A Theology of Parenting, Education, Feminism, and Government. 18.
- Bottomly, R. Victor. In Translatiōne: Calvin’s Response to a Certain Tricky Middler. 8.
- Bownd, Nicholas. In Brief: The Lord’s Day is no Human Constitution. 10.
- Bownd, Nicholas. In Brief: The Sabbath Day a Creation Ordinance. 10.
- Bownd, Nicholas. In Brief: We must rest also from speaking & hearing of worldly matters. 10.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Johannes Megapolensis: Pioneer Reformed Missionary to the Mohawks. 5.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Martyrdom, Mission and the Belgic Confession. 4.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Review: John M. Frame, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief. 10.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Review: Jonathan Sarfati, The Genesis Account: A Theological, Historical, and Scientific Commentary on Genesis 1–11. 13.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Review: Michael Horton, The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way. 7.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Review: Michael S. Horton, People and Place: A Covenant Ecclesiology. 5.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Review: Robert C. Bishop, et al., Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective. 17.
- Bredenhof, Wes. Review: Willem J. van Asselt et al., Synopsis Purioris Theologiae/Synopsis of a Purer Theology: Latin Text and English Translation—Volume 1. 11.
- Bredenhof, Wes. In Translatiōne: De Brès versus Richardot: A Sixteenth-Century Debate Regarding the Lord’s Supper. 6.
- Bock, Cory. Hope for the Modern Self: On Bavinck’s “Christian Science.” 17.
- Brown, Alexander. Prophet in the Pulpit, Pastor with the Pen: The Pastoral Christology of John Knox. 18.
- Brown, Michael. The Covenant Of Works Revived: John Owen on Republication in the Mosaic Covenant. 4.
- Brownfield, Joshua. John DeWitt: New School Presbyterian at an Old School Seminary. 14.
- Bucey, Camden M. The Lord and His Messengers: Toward a Trinitarian Interpretation of Malachi 3:1–4. 7.
- Cangelosi, Caleb. How Free Was Adam’s Will? Examining John Lafayette Girardeau’s Critique of Jonathan Edwards’ View of Adam’s Will Before the Fall. 11.
- Cangelosi, Caleb. William Swan Plumer’s Defense of the Impeccability of Jesus Christ. 9.
- Cassidy, James J. Critical-Realism & the Relation of Redemptive Act to Revelatory Word. 2.
- Cassidy, James J. Francis Turretin and Barthianism: The Covenant of Works in Historical Perspective. 5.
- Cassidy, James J. Let’s Do Presbyterianism: The Trinitarian Foundations of Biblical Church Polity. 11.
- Cassidy, James J. No ‘Absolute Impeccability’: Charles Hodge and Christology at Old and New Princeton. 9.
- Cassidy, James J. Review: Kevin Giles, The Eternal Generation of the Son: Maintaining Orthodoxy in Trinitarian Theology. 8.
- Cassidy, James J. Secundum Substantiam and Relatiuum in Augustine’s De Trinitate: Getting the Trinity Right Then and Now. 13.
- Cassidy, James. Review: Paul C. Gutjahr, Charles Hodge: Guardian of American Orthodoxy. 7.
- Clark, R. Scott. Baptism and the Benefits of Christ: The Double Mode of Communion in the Covenant of Grace. 2.
- Clark, R. Scott. Olevianus and the Old Perspective on Paul: A Preliminary Report. 4.
- Clark, R. Scott. Review: Charles E. Hill, From the Lost Teaching of Polycarp: Identifying Irenaeus’ Apostolic Presbyter and the Author of ad Diognetum. 5.
- Clary, Glen J. According to the Custom of the Ancient Church: Recovering the Patristic Roots of Reformed Worship. 13.
- Clary, Glen J. Holy Communion and Revivalism in the First Great Awakening. 11.
- Clary, Glen J. Holy Communion in the Theology of John Knox. 7.
- Clary, Glen J. The Liturgical Nature of Ecclesial Ministry. 10.
- Clary, Glen J. Ulrich Zwingli and the Swiss Anabaptists: Sola Scriptura and the Reformation of Christian Worship. 6.
- Coldwell, Chris and Andrew J. Webb. American Presbyterianism and the Religious Observance of Christmas. 11.
- Coldwell, Chris and David C. Noe. In Translatiōne: John Calvin’s Letters to the Ministers of Montbéliard (1543–1544): The Genevan Reformer’s Advice and Views of the Liturgical Calendar. 13.
- Coldwell, Chris. A Critical Text of the Westminster Larger Catechism: Q. 1–50. 3.
- Coldwell, Chris. Anti-Sabbatarian Scold: Thomas Rogers’ Letter to Nicholas Bownd, April 29, 1598. 10.
- Coldwell, Chris. Calvin in the Hands of the Philistines, Or, Did Calvin Bowl on the Sabbath? 6.
- Coldwell, Chris. Dropping the Subject, Again? The Decline of Sabbatarianism in Old Southern Presbyterian Church and in the Presbyterian Church in America. 12.
- Coldwell, Chris. Examining the Work of S. W. Carruthers: Justifying a Critical Approach to the Text of the Westminster Standards & Correcting the 18th Century Lineage of the Traditional Scottish Text. 1.
- Coldwell, Chris. James Durham: A New Biography, Part One. 18.
- Coldwell, Chris. James Durham: A New Biography, Part Two. 19.
- Coldwell, Chris. University Studies and Ordination to the Ministry of George Gillespie (1613–1648). 17.
- Coldwell, Chis. Antiquary: The Identity of W. A. & Other Bibliographical Mysteries in Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici (1646-1654). 16.
- Coldwell, Chris. The Westminster Assembly & the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis. Part One: Chronology. 5.
- Coldwell, Chris. The Westminster Assembly & Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici. 16.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: A Transcription from Manuscript of a Sermon on Psalm 2:10–12 by George Gillespie. 14.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: The James Durham MSS Part II. 7.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: Sermons and Lectures of James Durham: A Chronological Catalog, 1647-1658. 18.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: Why Christmas Day ought not to be Observed: A Transcription from Manuscript of Notes from a Sermon by George Gillespie, December 24, 1643. 15.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: Did George Gillespie embellish his Notes recorded during the Westminster Assembly? 19.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: A Transcription of James Durham’s Sermon on Ephesians 4:11-12, taught before the Synod of Glasgow, October 5, 1652. 12.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: An Overview and Analysis of George Gillespie’s Dispute Against the English Popish Ceremonies. 9.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: Nicholas Bownd’s Sabbathum Veteris et Novi Testamenti: or the True Doctrine of the Sabbath. 10.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: T. & J. Swords. Part One. Printers During the Federal Period to Doctors, Scientists, Friendly and Calliopean Clubers, and other New York Literati, as well as High Churchists, and the Occasional Presbyterian. 2.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: T. & J. Swords. Part Three: The ‘High Churchism’ Controversy. 4.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: T. & J. Swords. Part Two. Two Large Presbyterian Works. 3.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: The James Durham MSS Held by Glasgow University Library. 5.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: The James Durham MSS IV: Lectures on the Revelation of John. 17.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: The Traditional Form of The Westminster Standards. 1.
- Coldwell, Chris. Antiquary: Westminster Abbey Library: And Other Theological Resources of the Assembly of Divines (1643–1652). 6.
- Coldwell, Chris and Matthew Vogan. Antiquary: The James Durham MS III: James Durham’s 228 Sermons on Song of Solomon 2–8. 13.
- Coldwell, Chris. Author Index: The Confessional Presbyterian, volumes 1–10 (2005–2014). 10.
- Coldwell, Chris. In Brief: The Intent of Larger Catechism 109 Regarding Pictures of Christ’s Humanity. 5.
- Cook, Scott. Deviant Old School Calvinism? Robert Lewis Dabney and the Doctrine of God. 18.
- Cook, Scott. The History of the Formation of the Standing Judicial Commission. 19.
- Cook, Scott. Review: John C. Clark and Marcus Peter Johnson, The Incarnation of God: The Mystery of the Gospel as the Foundation of Evangelical Theology. 12.
- Cook, Scott. Review: Vern S. Poythress, The Mystery of the Trinity: A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God. 17.
- Cooper, Christopher. Binding Bodies and Liberating Souls: James Henley Thornwell’s Vision for a Spiritual Church and a Christian Confederacy. 9.
- Coppes, Leonard J. Review: Response to Benjamin Shaw. 2.
- Coppes, Leonard J. Review: Response to Benjamin Shaw’s Review. 1.
- Coppes, Leonard J. Review: Tim Gallant, Feed My Lambs. 2.
- Crampton, W. G. Review: Carl R. Trueman, The Creedal Imperative. 8.
- Crampton, W. Gary. According to Augustine. 4.
- Crampton, W. Gary. An Analysis of Open Theism. 2.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Edwards’ Freedom of the Will: A Review and Analysis, 3.
- Crampton, W. Gary. John Calvin on the Doctrine of Divine Revelation. 5.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Jonathan Edwards on Scripture & Salvation. 1.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Review: George M. Marsden, Jonathan Edwards: A Life. 2.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Review: Greg L. Bahnsen, Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended. 6.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Review: J. Knox Chamblin, Matthew: A Mentor Commentary 7.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Review: Jay E. Adams, Keeping the Sabbath Today? 6.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Review: Response to J. V. Fesko. 7.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Review: Robert L. Reymond, The God-Centered Preacher: Developing a Pulpit Ministry Approved by God. 3.
- Crampton, W. Gary. Robert L. Reymond, Faith’s Reasons For Believing: An Apologetic Antidote to Mindless Christianity. 4.
- Dabney, R. L. In Brief: Dr. Alexander and Immersionism. 18.
- Dabney, Robert L. In Brief: Scripture Prohibits Women Preachers. 18.
- Dabney, Robert L. In Brief: The Organ (1849). 18.
- Daniell, Clif. Luther on Public Worship: Serving God and Being Served by Him. 15.
- Daniell, Clif. The Westminster Assembly and 17th Century English Radicalism: Resolutions and Reformations. 16.
- Deatsch, Tim. Review: Timothy Z. Witmer, The Shepherd Leader. 6.
- DeHart, Philip. Our Visionary Architecture for Foreign Missions. 18.
- Delivuk, John (Jack) Allen. Liberty of Conscience in the Westminster Confession and its Application to Modern ‘Worship Wars.’ 2.
- Denton, Ryan. We’ve Been Dating It All Wrong: Richard Denton (1603–1662) & the Arrival of
American Presbyterianism. 19 - Dickson, David. Et Mortuus Adhuc Per Eam Logquitur: David Dickson on Lamentations 1:9. 16.
- Dickson, David. In Brief: David Dickson on Psalm 32:6-7. 17.
- Dilday, Steven. In Translatiōne: Part II. John Brown of Wamphray: Singing of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs in the Public Worship of God. 5.
- Dolezal, James E. Review: J. van Genderen and W.H. Velema, Concise Reformed Dogmatics. 5.
- Dolezal, James E. Review: Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Remythologizing Theology: Divine Action, Passion, and Authorship. 7.
- Dolezal, James E. Review: Paul Helm, Calvin at the Centre. 6.
- Dolezal, James E. Review: Surrejoinder to Kevin Vanhoozer. 7.
- Dow, Colin. The Doctrine of the Heavenly Intercession of Christ in the Writings of James Durham (1622–1668). 19.
- Duncan, J. Ligon III. Review: The Auburn Avenue Theology, Pros and Cons: Debating the Federal Vision. 1.
- Dunson, Ben C. Review: O. Palmer Robertson, Christ of the Consummation: A New Testament Biblical Theology, Volume 1: The Testimony of the Four Gospels. 18.
- Eglinton, James. Herman Bavinck: An Interpreter of Modernity. 17.
- Erickson, Carl E. The Fourth Commandment: Annulled or Sustained? 12.
- Eshelman, Nathan. Fighting for Phoebe: The Widow-Deacon and the Westminster Assembly’s Concept of an Alms-Based Women’s Ministry. 14.
- Estelle, Bryan D. The Old Testament and the Comparative Method. 6.
- Farley, Benjamin W. In Brief: Calvin Preaching on December 25, 1550/51. 15.
- Fesko, J. V. A Critical Examination of N. T. Wright’s Doctrine of Justification. 1.
- Fesko, J. V. and Cornel Venema. Sic et Non. Views in Review: Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? III. The Republication of the Covenant of Works. 8.
- Fesko, J. V. Heinrich Bullinger on Union with Christ and Justification. 6.
- Fesko, J. V. Review: Guy Prentiss Waters, Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul. 2.
- Fesko, J. M. Review: Harrison Perkins, Catholicity and the Covenant of Works: James Ussher and the Reformed Tradition. 16.
- Fesko, J. V. Review: Surrejoinder to Dr. Crampton’s Response. 7.
- Fesko, J. V. Review: W. Gary Crampton, From Paedobaptism to Credobaptism: A Critique of the Westminster Standards on the Subjects of Baptism. 7.
- Fesko, J. V. The Westminster Standards and Confessional Lutheranism on Justification. 3.
- Fluhrer, Gabriel N. E. Review: Cornelis Venema, Christ and Covenant Theology: Essays on Election, Republication, and the Covenant. 14.
- Fluhrer, Gabriel N.E. Scripture with a Southern Accent: Understanding and Applying a Southern Presbyterian’s View of the Bible. 15.
- Forkner, Wayne. Review: Norman Shepherd: Law and Gospel in Covenantal Perspective. 1.
- Franks, B. E. Full Redemption: The Puritan Doctrine of Glorification. 15.
- Gaffin, Richard B. Review: Cornelius P. Venema, Accepted and Renewed in Christ. The “Twofold Grace of God” and the Interpretation of Calvin’s Theology. 5.
- Gallant, Tim. Review: A Response to Leonard Coppes Regarding Feed My Lambs. 2.
- Gallant, Tim. Review: Response [to Cornelis P. Venema, A Response to the Coppes-Gallant Exchange Regarding Paedocommunion]. 3.
- Garcia, Mark A. Sic et Non. Views in Review: III. Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? I. Law and Gospel, with response by Michael S. Horton. 10.
- Garretson, James M. Archibald Alexander & the Founding of Princeton Theological Seminary. 8.
- Garris, Zachary M. R. L. Dabney: Master of Education. 18.
- Garris, Zachary M. Southern Presbyterian Ecumenism: The PCUS–RCA Merger Plan, Northern Reunion, and the Formation of the PCA. 19.
- Gerber, Jacob D. William Perkins on Conscience and Casuistry: Puritan Foundations for Reformed,
Scriptural Ethics. 19. - Gillespie, George. In Brief: George Gillespie, Psalm 2 and Christ’s Mediatorial Kingdom. 14.
- Glaser, Benjamin P. Review: Frank J. Smith (ed.), Religion and Politics in America: An Encyclopedia of Church and State in American Life. 13.
- Glaser, Benjamin P. The Doctrine of the Sabbath with a Particular look at its Application in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. 12.
- Gleason, Geoff. A Plea for Confessional Integrity in the PCA regarding the Second & Fourth Commandments. 19.
- Gleason, Ron. Herman Bavinck, the Two Kingdoms, and Reformed Social Ethics. 17.
- Golding, Robert D. Winnowing Fork or Harvest? A Paedobaptist Assessment of the Credobaptist Interpretation of Jeremiah 31 as seen in Stephen Wellum’s “Baptism and the Relationship Between Covenants.” 17.
- Goodwin, Thomas. In Brief: Thomas Goodwin on God’s Blessing His People. 7.
- Gordon, T. David. Review: Ryan Kelly, Calls to Worship, Invocations, and Benedictions. 18.
- Gordon, T. David. Whither Robert Lewis Dabney? 18.
- Mandate or Warrant? The Biblical Grounds for Christian Education & Schooling. 18.
- Groff, Zachary. God’s Not-So-Ordinary Providence: Evaluating the Framework Hypothesis “Because It Had Not Rained Argument” from Ordinary Providence. 19.
- Groff, Zachary. Review: Michael Morales, Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption. 19.
- Groff, Zachary. Obedient to the Great Commission: The Presbyterian Church in America at Fifty. 19.
- Groff, Zachary. Review: Kirk R. MacGregor, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction. 16.
- Groff, Zachary. Review: Robert Haldane, Sanctification of the Sabbath: The Permanent Obligation to Observe the Sabbath or Lord’s Day. 18.
- Groff, Zachary. Soundly Converted: Enchurchment as a Feature of Christian Conversion in Evangelistic Practice. 17.
- Groff, Zachary. Wisdom & Folly in Pastoral Ministry: Samuel Miller’s Use of Antithesis in His Published Lectures. 14.
- Gwin, Timothy J. Let the Families of the Lord Give Praise! Calvin’s Piety of the Psalms as Prayer-Praise Generational Discipleship. 13.
- Hall, David W. Explicit and Implicit Appendixes to Calvin’s View of Justification by Faith. 6.
- Hall, David W. John Calvin on Human Government and the State. 4.
- Hall, Jimmy. Review: Clinton Arnold, Ephesians, Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. 8.
- Hamilton, Ian. Calvin the Pastor. 13.
- Hart, D. G. Francis Makemie and the Meaning of American Presbyterianism. 2.
- Hart, D. G. Machen’s Other Warrior Children: Conservative Presbyterians in the OPC & PCA. 19.
- Hart, D. G. Review: Bradley J. Longfield, Presbyterians and American Culture: A History. 10.
- Hart, D. G. The Reorganization of Princeton Theological Seminary and the Exhaustion of American Presbyterianism. 8.
- Hart, Joel. The Doctrine and Practice of Social Reform in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America: 1930–1945. 13.
- Haviland-Pabst, Thomas. Review: Gyeongcheol Gwon, Christ and the Old Covenant: Francis Turretin (1623–1687) on Christ’s Suretyship under the Old Testament, Reformed Historical Theology, v. 51. 17.
- Haviland-Pabst, Thomas. Review: Jay T. Collier, Debating Perseverance: The Augustinian Heritage in Post-Reformation England. 16.
- Haviland-Pabst, Thomas. Review: Tadataka Maruyama, Calvin’s Ecclesiology: A Study in the History of Doctrine. 18.
- Haviland-Pabst, Thomas. Review: Theodore Van Raalte, Antoine de Chandieu: The Silver Horn of Geneva’s Reformed Triumvirate. 15.
- Haviland-Pabst, Thomas. To Die for a Cause: Robert Lewis Dabney, Confederate Christian. 18.
- Haviland-Pabst, Thomas. Review: Willem van Vlastuin, Catholic Today: A Reformed Conversation About Catholicity. 19.
- Helseth, Paul Kjoss. “Right Reason” and the Science of Theology at Old Princeton Seminary: A New Perspective. 8.
- Henes, Everett A. Less Outward Glory: An Examination of Calvin’s Reformation of Worship. 13.
- Herzer, Mark A. Review: J. V. Fesko, Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the Classic Reformed Approach to Defending the Faith. 15.
- Herzer, Mark A. Review: Matthew Knell, Sin, Grace and Free Will: A Historical Survey of Christian Thought, Volume 1: The Apostolic Fathers to Augustine. 14.
- Herzer, Mark. The Modern Roman Catholic View of Scripture. 6.
- Hofstetter, N. E. Barry and Chris Coldwell. In Translatiōne: Andrew Willet’s Preface to Nicholas Bownd’s Sabbathvm veteris et Novi Testamenti. 1.
- Hofstetter, N. E. Barry and Chris Coldwell. In Translatiōne: John Brown of Wamphray: The Universal Visible Church. 2.
- Hofstetter, N. E. Barry and Chris Coldwell. In Translatiōne: John Brown of Wamphray: Singing of Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs in the Public Worship of God From De Causa Dei contra Antisabbatarios, [Part 1], 3. See under Dilday, Steven for Part 2.
- Horton, Michael S. and Mark A. Garcia. Sic et Non. Views in Review: Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? I. Law and Gospel. 8.
- Howe, George. In Brief: A Bibliography of Published Works. 4.
- Hunter, Michael. Opuscula Selecta: William Ames’s Prolegomenon in Psalmum Secundum. 18.
- Hurd, Ryan M. Gisbertus Voetius’s 1637 De unica et simplicissima dei essentia: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Notes. 15.
- Hurd, Ryan M. In Translatiōne: Johannes Hornbeeck (1617–1666), Disputational Piety at Leiden, and a Translation of De desiderio animæ erga Christum. 14.
- Hutchinson, Christopher A. Review: Sinclair Ferguson. In Christ Alone: Living the Christ Centered Life. 5.
- Hyde, Daniel R. For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free: John Owen’s A Discourse Concerning Liturgies, and Their Imposition. 4.
- Hyde, Daniel R. Regulae de Observatione Sabbathi: The Synod of Dort’s (1618–19) Deliverance on the Sabbath. 12.
- Hyde, Daniel, R. In Defense of the Descendit: A Confessional Response to Contemporary Critics of Christ’s Descent into Hell. 3.
- Ives, Michael J. Desert Rose: Thomas Chalmers’ West Port Experiment (1844–1847). 14.
- Ivey, Lowell A. “Creeding” Between the Lines Animus Imponentis & Confessional Integrity in the OPC’s Creation Report. 17.
- Jeon, Jeong Koo. The Abrahamic Covenant and the Kingdom of God. 7.
- Jeon, Jeong Koo. The Covenant of Creation and the Kingdom of God. 9.
- Jeon, Jeong Koo. The Noahic Covenants and Redemptive Judgment. 15.
- Johnson, Terry L. Those Who Lead Worship. 13.
- Jones, Mark. Review: Carl R. Trueman, John Owen: Reformed Catholic, Renaissance Man. 4.
- Jones, Mark. Strange Bedfellows: Darwinism and the Reformed Theological Tradition. 11.
- Jones, Stuart R. Presbyterian Due Process: A Scottish and American Recovery of Procedural Canons. 2.
- Jones, Stuart R. Review: C. N. Willborn, ‘In Thesi’ Deliverances. 2.
- Jones, Stuart R. Review: Peter Enns, Inspiration and Incarnation.3.
- Junius, Franciscus. In Brief: Junius on the Morality of a Sabbath day. 10.
- Keister, Adrian C. Review: J. P. Moreland, et al. (editors), Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique. 15.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Alasdair J. MacLeod, John Kennedy of Dingwall, 1819-1884: Evangelicalism in the Scottish Highlands. 19.
- Keister, J. C. Review: Vern Sheridan Poythress, Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought. 9.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Benjamin Shaw, Ecclesiastes: Life in a Fallen World. 16.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Bruce Waltke, with Charles Yu, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach. 4.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Douglas Bond, The Mighty Weakness of John Knox and D. M. Lloyd-Jones and Iain Murray, John Knox and the Reformation. 7.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Geerhardus Vos, Reformed Dogmatics, 5 volumes. 13.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Guy Prentiss Waters, J. Nicholas Reid, and John R. Muether, eds., Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives. 17.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Joseph C. Morecraft, III, Authentic Christianity: An Exposition of the Theology and Ethics of the Westminster Larger Catechism; Chris Coldwell, The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Assembly: A Transcription of the Surviving Manuscripts with Notes; John R. Bower, The Larger Catechism: A Critical Text and Introduction. 6.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Mark D. Liederbach and Evan Lenow, Ethics As Worship: The Pursuit of Moral Discipleship. 19.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Michael Horton, Justification, volumes 1–2. 15.
- Keister, Lane. Review: N.T. Wright, Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul, 1978–2013 / N.T. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God. 10.
- Keister, Lane. Review: Sean Michael Lucas, For a Continuing Church: The Roots of the Presbyterian Church. 12.
- Keister, Lane. Should Women Teach or Have Authority Over Men in the Church? An Exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:8–15. 4.
- Keister, Lane. The Man in Linen: A New and Old Interpretation of Ezekiel 9–10. 14.
- Keister, Lane. The Sabbath Day and Recreations on the Sabbath: An Examination of the Sabbath and the Biblical Basis for the “No Recreation” Clause in Westminster Confession of Faith 21.8 and Westminster Larger Catechism 117. 5 (revised, 12).
- Keister, Lane. Sic et Non. Views in Review: Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? Introduction. 8.
- Kelly, Douglas F. In Brief: The Sabbath vs. the Liturgical Calendar. 11.
- Kerr, Robert P. “The Office of Deacon:” Extracts from The Presbyterian Quarterly (April, 1896). 5.
- King, David T. The Patristic Roots of Post-Reformation Views on the Properties of Scripture as Exhibited in the Preaching of John Chrysostom. 14.
- Knodel, R. E., Jr. Review: Frank J. Smith, Race, Church and Society. 17.
- Korljan, Scott. In the Presence of a Common Foe: Billy Sunday and Conservative Presbyterians in the Battle Against Liberalism. 9.
- Lauer, Stewart E. John Calvin, the Nascent Sabbatarian: A Reconsideration of Calvin’s View of Two Key Sabbath-Issues. 3 (rpr. 12).
- Lems, Shane. The Centrality of the Holy Spirit in Reformed Theology: A Robust Pneumatology. 4.
- Lucero, Jody. Review: John Currid, Deuteronomy—An Evangelical Press Study Commentary. 6.
- M’Leod, Alexander. In Brief: Alexander M’Leod on a Pastor According to God’s Heart. 3.
- M’Leod, Alexander. In Brief: Alexander M’Leod on the Call to the Gospel Ministry. 3.
- Macedo, Breno. Systematic Theology and the Preaching of Samuel Davies. 9.
- Machen, J. G. In Brief: Christ our Substitute. 10.
- Machen, J. G. In Brief: Excerpt from Machen’s What is Faith? 10.
- Machen, J. G. In Brief: Tyranny of Unbelief. 10.
- MacLean, Donald John. “So Great a Love”—James Durham on Christ and His Church in the Song of Solomon. 5.
- MacLean, Donald John. Review: Garnet Howard Milne, The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Cessation of Special Revelation: The Majority Puritan Viewpoint on Whether Extra-biblical Prophecy is Still Possible. 6.
- Martin, Robert. Gisbertus Voetius: The Pillar of the Nadere Reformatie. 15.
- Marshall, Stephen. In Brief: A Defence of Infant Baptism. 4.
- Mason, John Mitchell and Jacob Van Vechten. In Brief: John Mitchell Mason on the New York ‘High Churchism’ Controversy. 2.
- Mason, John Mitchell. In Brief: Extract from John M. Mason, Pardon in Sin in the Blood of Jesus. 2.
- Mason, John. M. In Brief: Dr. John M. Mason and a Colorblind Lord’s Table. 8.
- Master, Jonathan L. “A Pillar and Buttress of the Truth” Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Inaugural Address, March 11, 2021. 17.
- Matthews, Roland. Review: G. K. Beale, Union with the Resurrected Christ: Eschatological New Creation and New Testament Biblical Theology. 19.
- McGinnis, Andrew M. Review; D. G. Hart and John R. Muether, Seeking a Better Country: 300 Years of American Presbyterianism. 4.
- McGraw, Ryan M. Can a Christian Be an Objective Professional Historian? An Unorthodox Autobiographical Review
Article of Ian Hugh Clary on Arnold Dallimore’s Historiography. 19. - McGraw, Ryan M. John Owen on the Study of Theology. 6.
- McGraw, Ryan M. Review: Brian K. Kay, Trinitarian Spirituality: John Owen and the Doctrine of God in Western Devotion. 6.
- McGraw, Ryan M. Review: Daniel R. Hyde, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace. 5.
- McGraw, Ryan M. Review: J. V. Fesko, Last Things First: Unlocking Genesis 1–3 with the Christ of Eschatology. 7.
- McGraw, Ryan M. Review: J. V. Fesko, Word, Water, And Spirit. With Rejoinder by J. V. Fesko and Sur-Rejoinder by Ryan M. McGraw. 9.
- McGraw, Ryan M. Review: Lyle D. Bierma, Font of Pardon and New Life: John Calvin and the Efficacy of Baptism. 19.
- McGraw, Ryan M. The Benediction in Corporate Worship. 7.
- McGraw, Ryan M. What Should a Typical Sabbath Look Like and Why? 12.
- McGraw, Ryan M. In Translatiōne: Franciscus Gomarus on Roman Catholic Baptism. 9.
- McGraw, Ryan M. In Translatiōne: Johannes Wollebius’ Præcognita of Christian Theology from Compendium Theologiæ Christianæ. 11.
- McInnes, Robert. Who Was William Young? And What Did He Do for the Presbyterian Church. 19.
- McKay, W.D.J. Introduction, Antiquary: A Transcription from Manuscript of a Sermon on Psalm 2:10–12 by George Gillespie. 14.
- M’Crie, Thomas. Et Mortuus Adhuc Per Eam Loquitur: Thomas M’Crie’s Last Sermon. 17.
- M’Crie, Thomas. Transcription provided by Wayne Sparkman. Account of the Controversy respecting The Marrow of Modern Divinity. 16.
- M’Crie, Thomas. In Brief: Statement of the Difference, Brief View of the Evidence for the Exercise of Civil Authority about Religion (1871). 17.
- Miller, Samuel, D. D. Edited from MS by Chris Coldwell. Faith Shewn by Works: A Sermon on James 2:18, by Samuel Miller, D.D. 1.
- Miller, Samuel, D. D. In Brief: Dr. Samuel Miller on Arminian and Pelagian Subscribers to the Westminster Confession of Faith. 1.
- Miller, Samuel, D. D. In Brief: Letter from Dr. Samuel Miller to Dr. A. W. Mitchell, Treasurer of the Presbyterian Board of Publication, October 7, 1840. 8.
- Miller, Samuel, D. D. In Brief: Mature Preparation for the Gospel Ministry. 1.
- Miller, Samuel, D. D. In Brief: Samuel Miller’s Sermon on the Death of George Washington. 2.
- Miller, Samuel, D.D. In Brief: Samuel Miller: Prayer Prior to Preaching. 14.
- Miller, Samuel, D.D. In Brief: Miller on Worship. 1.
- Mohon, Roy. The Christian Sabbath: Destiny not Drudgery. 12.
- Moore, T. V. In Brief: T. V. Moore’s Twenty Hints for a Happy Family. 7.
- Morris, Sean G. The Not-Quite Founding Father: J. Gresham Machen and the Origins of the PCA. 19.
- Morris, Sean G. “The Studies and Enjoyments of Heaven”: R. L. Dabney as Churchman and Ecclesial Historian. 18.
- Morris, Sean G. Review: Nathan P. Feldmeth, S. Donald Fortson III, Garth M. Rosell, and Kenneth J. Stewart, Reformed and Evangelical across Four Centuries: The Presbyterian Story in America. 19.
- Murray, John. The Regulative Principle of Worship & Song in the Public Worship of God. 11.
- Murray, John. In Brief: Union with Christ and Mysticism. 11.
- Neele, Adriaan C. The Class of 1652 of the Academia Voetiana. 15.
- Nelson, Caleb. Review: N. T. Wright, How God Became King: The Forgotten Story of the Gospels. 8.
- Nevin, Alfred. Samuel Miller (1769–1850). 1.
- Nicholson, Brian H. Martin Bucer’s Eucharistic Development. 13.
- Noe, David C. and Chris Coldwell. In Translatiōne: John Calvin’s Letters to the Ministers of Montbéliard (1543–1544): The Genevan Reformer’s Advice and Views of the Liturgical Calendar. 13.
- Noe, David C. and Chris Coldwell. Opuscula Selecta: Canons of the Apostles as Copied from the Ancient and Catholic Books, from the Magdeburg Centuries, volume 1, part II. 16.
- Old, Hughes Oliphant. Daily Prayer in the Reformed Church Of Strasbourg, 1525–1530. 13.
- Old, Mary McCaw. Hughes Oliphant Old. 13.
- Olevianus, Caspar. In Brief: On Law and Gospel. 4.
- Olinger, Danny E. John Murray. 11
- Overton, Isaac T. Review: Theodore Beza, A Learned Treatise on the Plague, Translated by Edward Percival (1665), Modernized with an Introduction by Bennie Castle—Ludwig Lavater, Disease, Scarcity, and Famine: A Reformation Perspective on God and Plagues, Translated and Edited by Michael Hunter—Matthew A. Vogan, Matthew J. Hyde, Worship and Witness in Crisis: Has the Church Failed the Covid Test?—Ernest Springer III, Joel E Yeager, Daniel O’Roark, Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church: A Sacred Trust Broken. 17.
- Owen, John. In Brief: On Isaiah 58:13. 10.
- Palombaro, Ottavio. Recovering and Re-evaluating the Historical Interpretations of the Anti-Christ. 19.
- Park, Jae-Eun. Stephen Charnock’s Christological Knowledge of God in A Discourse of the Knowledge of God in Christ. 10.
- Parker, Gregory, Jr. Herman Bavinck’s “The Leading Ideas of Calvin’s Institutes.” 17.
- Patterson, Daniel F. Review: Edward T. Welch, Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest. 5.
- Patterson, Daniel F. Review: Eric L. Johnson, Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal 7.
- Peck, Thomas E. Transcription provided by Wayne Sparkman. A Sermon on Mark 16:14-20 at the General Assembly, Louisville, Ky, May 15, 1879. 16.
- Peck, Thomas, T. V. Moore and Benjamin Morgan Palmer. Pastoral Letters on the Observance of the Sabbath. 12.
- Perkins, Harrison. Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656): His Life and Work, the Scholarship about Him, and His Significance for Confessional Presbyterians. 16.
- Perkins, Harrison. Archbishop Ussher’s Reading List. 16.
- Perkins, Harrison. Complete Bibliography of Ussher Secondary Literature. 16.
- Perkins, Harrison. Images of Christ and the Vitals of the Reformed System. 14.
- Perkins, Harrison. Paul and the Septuagint Psalter: Reckoning with Intra-Canonical Exegesis Concerning Our Sung Praises. 18.
- Perkins, Harrison. Review: Bryan D. Estelle, The Primary Mission of the Church: Engaging or Transforming the Culture. 18.
- Perkins, Harrison. Review: Daniel I. Block, Covenant: The Framework of God’s Grand Plan of Redemption. 17.
- Perkins, Harrison. Review: David Fergusson and Mark W. Elliot (eds.), The History of Scottish Theology, 3 vols. 16.
- Perkins, Harrison. Review: Jeffrey Hause (ed.), Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae: A Critical Guide. 15.
- Perkins, Harrison. Review: Matthew Barrett (ed.), Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary. 13.
- Perkins, Harrison. Review: Paul C. H. Lim, Mystery Unveiled: The Crisis of the Trinity in Early Modern England. 14.
- Perry, Andy. Puritan Instruction for Profitable Hearing of Sermons. 10.
- Peters, Jonathan. Review: William E. Thompson, In Stonewall’s Long Shadow: James Power Smith, Aide de Camp. 18.
- Phillips, Bobby. Translatiōne: John Brown of Wamphray: Recreations and the Sabbath. 12.
- Phillips, T. J. Severing the Dragon’s Tail: The Rejection of the Mass and the Adoption of the Reformed Practice of the Lord’s Supper during the Scottish Reformation. 2.
- Pipa, Joseph, Jr. Morton Howison Smith: A Brief Sketch of His Life. 19.
- Pipa, Joseph, Jr. Seminary Education. 3.
- Poythress, Diane. Johannes Oecolampadius: Exposition of Isaiah 53. 13.
- Prutow, Dennis J. Sic et Non. Views in Review: The Content of Song for the Public Worship of God, Part One: Psalmody in the Church, Old Testament and New. With Response by Andrew J. Webb. 11.
- Ragusa, Daniel. Review: Cornelis Venema, Chosen in Christ: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination. 15.
- Ragusa, Daniel. Review: Lane G. Tipton, The Trinitarian Theology of Cornelius Van Til. 18.
- Ragusa, Daniel. Shot through with Personality: Establishing Man’s Freedom within the Sovereign Plan of God. 14.
- Ramsey, D. Patrick. Baptismal Regeneration and the Westminster Confession of Faith. 4.
- Ramsey, D. Patrick. Samuel Rutherford’s Contribution to Covenant Theology in Scotland. 5.
- Rankin, W. Duncan. The Early Reformation in Scotland. 7.
- Reid, Thomas G., Jr. Judges 6-8:32: Gideon. 17.
- Reiter, David. The Modal Transcendental Argument for God’s Existence. 7.
- Richard, Guy M. Review: Samuel Rutherford, The Covenant of Life Opened. 2.
- Richard, Guy M. Samuel Rutherford’s Supralapsarianism Revealed: A Key to the Lapsarian Position of the Westminster Confession of Faith? 4.
- Richard, Guy M. In Translatiōne: Samuel Rutherford: Examen Arminianismi, Chapter 19: Of the Civil Magistrate. 4.
- Rickard, Thomas E. An Historical Study of Witnesses and their Oaths in the Courts of the Presbyterian
Church in America. 19. - Ritchie, Daniel. “The Dictatorship of Dr Cooke”: Henry Cooke’s Tory Domination of Irish Presbyterianism Reconsidered. 15.
- Ritchie, Daniel. Reformed Presbyterian Criticism of the 1859 Ulster Revival’s Impact on Worship and Church Order. 7.
- Ritchie, Daniel. Review: Crawford Gribben, Survival and Resistance in Evangelical America: Christian Reconstruction in the Pacific Northwest. 18.
- Ritchie, Daniel. Review: Sam Waldron, The Curx of the Free Offer: A Biblical, Confessional, and Theological Explanation and Defence of the Well-Meant Offer of the Gospel. 16.
- Rolison, Joseph E. The Church’s Care for the Penitent: Some Considerations. 11.
- Rolison, Joseph E. By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them—A Timely Admonition from an Ancient Narrative: A Sermon on Genesis 9:18–29. 10.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 2. 2.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 5:1–12. 12.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 15:1–5. 15.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 16. 8.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 32:1-7. 17.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 42. 5.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 43. 6.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 51. 3.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 57:1–11. 10.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 82:1-8. 16.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 83:1-18. 18.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 87:1–7. 13.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 89:15–29. 9.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 92:1–15. 11.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 109:1–10. 1.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 110. 4.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 115:1–9. 19.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 116. 7.
- Ruddell, Todd L. Psallo: Psalm 128:1–6. 14.
- Rutherford, Samuel. In Brief: Extract from a letter from Samuel Rutherford to Agnes Macmath. 18.
- Sanlon, Peter. Neither Mysticism Nor Activism: Robert L. Dabney’s “Meditation a Means of Grace”. 18.
- Sanlon, Peter. Review: R. Baines, et al, Confessing the Impassible God: The Biblical, Classical & Confessional Doctrine of Divine Impassibility. 12.
- Schäfli, Ephraim. In Translatiōne: The Preface to the Constance Hymnbook by Joannem Zwick. 7.
- Selvaggio, Anthony T. An Answer to the Challenge of Preaching the Old Testament: An Historical & Theological Examination of the Redemptive-Historical Approach. 5.
- Serven, Marcus J. John Calvin’s Pastoral Theology: An Explanatory Outline. By Marcus J. Serven. 13
- Shaw, Benjamin. Archbishop Ussher and Old Testament Chronology. 16.
- Shaw, Benjamin. De Jure Divino Presbyterianism. 10.
- Shaw, Benjamin. An Exposition of Psalm 68. 11.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Changing Direction: Moving Away From Technique-Driven Exegesis. 14.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Englishing the Bible: A Confessional Approach. 6.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Leviticus 23 and the Christian Sabbath. 12.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Christopher Watkin, Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible’s Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture. 19.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Cornelis Van Dam, In the Beginning: Listening to Genesis 1 and 2. 17.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Francis S. Sampson, A Critical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. 18.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Garnet Howard Milne, Has the Bible Been Kept Pure? The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Providential Preservation of Scripture. 14.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Jeffrey S. McDonald, John Gerstner and the Renewal of Presbyterian Evangelicalism in Modern America. 14.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Leonard J. Coppes, The Divine Days of Creation. 1.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Mees te Velde, et al., Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today. 11.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Nicholas P. Lunn, The Original Ending of Mark: A New Case for the Authenticity of Mark 16:9–20. 12.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Preston Graham, Jr., A Kingdom Not of This World: Stuart Robinson’s Struggle to Distinguish the Sacred from the Secular During the Civil War. 9.
- Shaw, Benjamin. Review: Reply to Leonard Coppes’ Response. 1.
- Shaw, Benjamin. The Old Testament at Old Princeton. 8.
- Silva, Thiago Machado. The Missiological Implications of Herman Bavinck’s Doctrine of the Trinity. 15.
- Smith, Frank J. 400th Anniversary of the Pilgrim landing at Plymouth Rock. 16.
- Smith, Frank J. American Presbyterianism and the Cold War. 6.
- Smith, Frank J. American Presbyterianism, Geology, and the Days of Creation. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. “Like a Box of Chocolates”: Experiencing PCA Worship. 19.
- Smith, Frank J. In Memoriam: David C. Lachman (1939–2023): A Tribute.
- Smith, Frank J. Politics, International Relations, and the Sabbath: The 1915 International Lord’s Day Congress. 12.
- Smith, Frank J. Presbyterian Quintessence: The Five ‘Heads’ of Church Government. 5.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Blogroll: Andrew J. Webb, Building Old School Presbyterian Churches; Jeffrey J. Meyers, Corrigenda Denuo; Sean Michael Lucas, Sean Michael Lucas; R. Scott Clark, The Heidelblog; Will Shin, Thoughts & Actions. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: Christopher Watkin, Gilles Deleuze. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: Darby A. Strickland, Is It Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: Joel R. Beeke and Nick Thompson, Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: John D. Currid, The Case for Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Historical Record of God’s Old Testament People. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: John Flavel, abridged by J. Stephen Yuille, Christ and His Threefold Office. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: John Flavel, abridged by J. Stephen Yuille, Christ Humbled Yet Exalted. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: John Shower, The Lord’s Supper: Doctrines, Encouragements, and Duties. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: Robert Rollock, translated and introduced by Casey B. Carmichael, Commentary on Ephesians. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: Scott Christensen, What About Evil? A Defense of God’s Sovereign Glory. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Books in Brief: Shao Kai Tseng, Immanuel Kant. 17.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Cory Griess, “The Regulative Principle: A Confessional Examination,” Protestant Reformed Theological Journal. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Dominic A. Aquila, “Redemptive History and the Regulative Principle of Worship,” in The Hope Fulfilled: Essays in Honor of O. Palmer Robertson. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: John M. Frame, “The Second Commandment: Regulating Worship,” in The Doctrine of the Christian Life: A Theology of Lordship. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: John Witte, Jr. and Robert M. Kingdon, Sex, Marriage, and Family in John Calvin’s Geneva: Volume 1, Courtship, Engagement, and Marriage. 13.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Mark Dalbey, “Christian Worship,” Online Course Lectures, Covenant Theological Seminary. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Paxson H. Jeancake, The Art of Worship: Opening Our Eyes to the Beauty of the Gospel. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: J. Philip Arthur. Christ all-sufficient: Colossians and Philemon simply explained. Welwyn Commentaries. Faverdale North, Darlington, England: Evangelical Press, 2007. 15.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: R. C. Sproul, Truths We Confess: A Layman’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Volume 2: Salvation and the Christian Life and A Taste of Heaven: Worship in the Light of Eternity. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Reggie M. Kidd, With One Voice: Discovering Christ’s Song in Our Worship. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Richard A. Muller and Rowland S. Ward, Scripture and Worship: Biblical Interpretation and the Directory for Public Worship. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Robert L. Dickie, What the Bible Teaches About Worship. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: W. L. Bredenhof, “A Guide to Reformed Worship,” ten articles in The Clarion. 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: Walter H. Conser Jr. and Robert J. Cain, Presbyterians in North Carolina: Race, Politics, and Religious Identity in Historical Perspective. 9.
- Smith, Frank J. Review: A Conversation on Denominational Renewal, February 26–28, 2008, Bill Boyd, “Worship,” Matt Brown, “Ecclesiology,” Jeremy Jones, “Theological Reflection.” 4.
- Smith, Frank J. Robert Lewis Dabney’s War on Sensualism. 18.
- Smith, Frank J. Wartime Sermons: Twelve Pulpit Messages from Georgia Presbyterians During World War II. 14.
- Smith, Frank J. with Chris Coldwell. The Regulative Principle of Worship: Sixty Years in Reformed Literature. Part One (1946–1999). 2.
- Smith, Frank J. with Chris Coldwell. The Regulative Principle of Worship: Sixty Years in Reformed Literature. Part Two (2000–2007). 3.
- Smith, Frank J. and David C. Lachman. Reframing Presbyterian Worship: A Critical Survey of the Worship Views of John M. Frame and R. J. Gore. 1.
- Snoddy, Richard. “The Mysteries of Christ”: James Ussher Among the Puritans, 1626. 16.
- Somerset, Douglas. Jean Macmath: Mistress Rutherford. 18.
- Sparkman, Wayne. Review: Doug J. Douma, The Presbyterian Philosopher: The Authorized Biography of Gordon H. Clark. 13.
- Sparkman, Wayne. Samuel Miller, D. D. (1769–1850) An Annotated Bibliography. 1.
- Sparkman, Wayne. The Rev. Dr. Alexander M’Leod, An Annotated Bibliography With Extracts from his Diaries. 3.
- Sparkman, Wayne. Archibald Alexander D. D. (1772–1851) An Annotated Bibliography. 8.
- Speck, Ryan. Review: Gregory David Soderberg, As Often As You Eat This Bread: Communion Frequency in English, Scottish, and Early American Churches. 19.
- St. John, Russell. “Make Men Do”: Robert Lewis Dabney and the Power of the Pulpit. 18.
- Stanton, Allen. 1812–1822: The Development of Princeton’s Polemic. 7.
- Stanton, Allen. 1823–1830: The Establishment Of Princeton’s Polemic. 8.
- Stanton, Allen. The Theological Climate of the Early Nineteenth Century and the Founding of a Polemical Seminary at Princeton. 6.
- Stanton, Allen. William Ames and the Westminster Assembly. 14.
- Steward, Gary. Old Princeton and American Culture: Insights from J. W. Alexander. 8.
- Steward, Gary. The Calvinistic Soteriology of Jonathan Dickinson. 7.
- Stivason, Jeffrey A. McLeod Campbell, Edwards and Atonement. 10.
- Stivason, Jeffrey A. Review: Alan D. Strange, The Doctrine of the Spirituality of the Church in the Ecclesiology of Charles Hodge. 14.
- Stivason, Jeffrey. Review: N. T. Wright, Surprised By Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues. 11.
- Stivason, Jeffrey. Review: Sinclair Ferguson, From the Mouth of God: Trusting, Reading, and Applying the Bible. 10.
- Stivason, Jeff A. Review: Warfield’s Works, A Review & An Appreciation. 19.
- Stivason, Jeffrey: Review Article: Wright on Evil: N. T. Wright, Evil and the Justice of God. 10.
- Stodghill, Justin B. Our Reasonable Service: Sabbath Doctrine of the Nadere Reformatie. 12.
- Stonehouse, Ned B and CPJ staff. In Brief: J. G. Machen and the Benham and Checker Clubs. 10.
- Strange, Alan D. Review: John Bower, The Confession of Faith: A Critical Text and Introduction. 17.
- Strange, Alan D. Review: Daniel Ritchie, Isaac Nelson: Radical Abolitionist, Evangelical Presbyterian, and Irish Nationalist. 15.
- Strange, Alan. Affirmation of the Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ at the Westminster Assembly of Divines. 4.
- Strange, Alan. Review: D. G. Hart, John Williamson Nevin: High-Church Calvinist. 3.
- Sundry ministers of Christ within the city of London. Defining Divine Right. 10.
- Swords, T. & J. In Brief: Transcription of a Letter from T. & J. Swords. 2.
- Taylor, Walter L. Review: Ottomar Cypris, Martin Bucer’s Ground and Reason: A Commentary and Translation. 13.
- Thomas, Chris. To the Law and the Testimony: James Henley Thornwell and Jus Divinum Presbyterianism. 9.
- Thornwell, James H. A Sermon on Hebrews 11:7. 9.
- Thornwell, James H. In Brief: The Sacrifice of Christ. 9.
- Thornwell, James Henley, et al. Southern Presbyterian Sabbatarianism. 12.
- Tipton, Lane G. Locating the Mystery: Bavinck and Van Til on Immutability and Anthropomorphism. 17.
- Tipton, Lane G. The Presence of Divine Persons: Extending the Incarnational Analogy to Impeccability and Inerrancy. 6.
- Trueman, Carl R. Review: Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life. 10.
- Trueman, Carl R. Some Personal Thought on B. B. Warfield’s Life and Significance: A Lecture. 8.
- Trueman, Carl. R. James Bannerman’s The Church of Christ: A Tract for these Times. 11.
- Trueman, Carl. R. Review: Gerald Bray, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology. 11.
- Tweedie, W. K. In Brief: Robert Bruce. 15.
- Valle, Angelo. In Pursuit of an Owenian Pastoral Theology: An Examination of John Owen’s Ordination Sermons. 16.
- Valle, Angelo. In Pursuit of an Owenian Pastoral Theology II: The Pastor and his Work according to John Owen. 17.
- Valle, Angelo. Review: Jordan Cooper, “Prolegomena: A Defense of the Scholastic Method” A Contemporary Protestant Scholastic Theology. 16.
- VanDoodewaard, William. Ecclesial Unity and Creation Doctrine. 19.
- Van Dixhoorn, Chad B. Antiquary: Rediscovery of the Manuscripts of the Larger Catechism of Westminster Assembly of Divines; with extracts from The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Assembly: A Transcription of the Surviving Manuscripts with Notes. 11.
- VanDrunen, David and Jeffrey C. Waddington. Sic et Non. Views in Review: Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? II. The Reformed Two Kingdoms Doctrine. 8.
- VanDrunen, David. Pictures of Jesus and the Sovereignty of Divine Revelation: Recent Literature and a Defense of the Confessional Reformed View. 5.
- Vanhoozer, Kevin J. Review: Response to James Dolezal: “On the Scope and Scopus of ‘Always Reforming.’” 7.
- Venema, Cornel and J. V. Fesko. Sic et Non. Views in Review: II. Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? The Republication of the Covenant of Works. By Cornel Venema with Response by J. V. Fesko. 9.
- Venema, Cornelis P. Review: A Response to the Coppes-Gallant Exchange Regarding Paedocommunion. 3.
- Venema, Cornelis P. Review: Reply [to Tim Gallant]. 3.
- Vogan, Matthew. Alexander Shields, the Revolution Settlement and the Unity of the Visible Church. 14.
- Vogan, Matthew. David Dickson: A Provisional Bibliography. 16.
- Vogan, Matthew. David Dickson’s Sermons on Jeremiah’s Lamentations (1628). 16.
- Vogan, Matthew. Samuel Rutherford and the Theology and Practice of Preaching. 17.
- Vogan, Matthew. Review: Ryan M McGraw, The Day of Worship: Reassessing the Christian Life in Light of the Sabbath. 8.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Must We Believe? Jonathan Edwards and Conscious Faith in Christ. 6.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. On the Shoulders of Giants: Van Til’s Appropriation of Warfield and Kuyper. 7.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Review: Chad B. Van Dixhoorn, God’s Ambassadors: The Westminster Assembly and the Reformation of the English Pulpit, 1643–1653. 13.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Review: Franciscus Junius, The Mosaic Polity. 11.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Review: J. Todd Billings, Union with Christ: A Doctrine in Contention; Michael Horton, Covenant and Salvation: Union with Christ; Mark A. Garcia, Life in Christ: Union with Christ and the Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology. 5.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Review: Richard C. Gamble, The Whole Counsel of God: Vol. 1, God’s Mighty Acts in the Old Testament. 6.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Which Comes First, the Intellect or the Will? Alvin Plantinga and Jonathan Edwards on a Perennial Question. 11.
- Waddington, Jeffrey C. Sic et Non. Views in Review: III. Westminster Seminary California Distinctives? II. The Reformed Two Kingdoms Doctrine. With Response by David VanDrunen. 10.
- Walker, James. In Brief:James Walker’s Assessment of Samuel Rutherford. 5.
- Ward, Rowland S. [Orthodox Presbyterian Church], Justification Report of the Committee to Study the Doctrine of Justification. 3.
- Ward, Rowland S. Review: Chad Van Dixhoorn, The Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly 1643–1652. 9.
- Ward, Rowland S. Review: Lewis Bevens Schenck, The Presbyterian Doctrine of Children in the Covenant. 2.
- Ward, Rowland S. Review: Robert Letham, The Westminster Assembly: Reading its Theology in Historical Context. 6.
- Ward, Rowland S. Review: Stephen Westerholm, Perspectives Old And New On Paul: The ‘Lutheran’ Paul And His Critics. 1.
- Ward, Rowland S. The Basis and Practice of Christian Mission to Jews 1520–1860. 7.
- Warfield, B. B. In Brief: Warfield: “Dr. McCosh as a Teacher.” 8.
- Warfield, B. B. In Brief: Warfield: On the Expansion of the Seminary. 8.
- Warfield, B. B. In Brief: Warfield: Revision Or Reaffirmation? 8.
- Waters, Guy Prentiss. Covenant Theology and Recent Interpretation of Paul: Some Reflections. 6.
- Waters, Guy Prentiss. Review: Harold W. Hoehner, Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary. 5.
- Waters, Guy Prentiss. Review: Reply to John V. Fesko, Review of Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul. 2.
- Waugh, Barry, Thomas H. Law, Thornton Whaling, & A. M. Fraser. Centennial Addresses Commemorating the Birth of the Reverend James Henley Thornwell. 9.
- Waugh, Barry. An Appeal to the Young Men of the Presbyterian Church by George Howe (1802–1883). 4.
- Waugh, Barry. An Extraordinary Case of the Use of the Extraordinary Clause. 10.
- Waugh, Barry. An Introduction to T. V. Moore through his Essay on Juvenile Delinquency. 7.
- Waugh, Barry. Carolina Scots, the Westminster Confession, and a Deceased Wife’s Sister. 9.
- Waugh, Barry. J. Gresham Machen and LeRoy Gresham: Cousins, Confidants, and Churchmen. 10.
- Waugh, Barry. John Calvin on the Fall and the Imago Dei. 13.
- Waugh, Barry. Review: Andrew Hoffecker, Charles Hodge: The Pride of Princeton. 8.
- Waugh, Barry. Review: Terry L. Johnson, Worshipping with Calvin: Recovering the Historic Ministry and Worship of Reformed Protestantism and Serving with Calvin: Leading and Planning Services of Worship in the Reformed Church. 12.
- Waugh, Barry. The Ministerial Shortage Problem in Presbyterian History & George Howe’s Appeal for More Ministers. 4.
- Waugh, Barry. William Perkins: Augustine’s Protégé & Father of Puritan Theology. 11.
- Waugh, Barry. Antiquary: James Henley Thornwell’s First Pastoral Ministry at the Waxhaw Presbyterian Church. 8.
- Weaver, G. Stephen. Review: Richard C. Barcellos, The Lord’s Supper as a Means of Grace: More than a Memory. 10.
- Webb, Andrew J. and Chris Coldwell. American Presbyterianism and the Religious Observance of Christmas. 11.
- Webb, Andrew J. Review: Robert Traill, Justification Vindicated. 1.
- Webb, Andrew J. Samuel Miller’s Pastoral Theology. 8.
- Webb, Andrew J. Sic et Non. Views in Review: The Content of Song for the Public Worship of God, Part Two: Inclusive Psalmody. With Response by Dennis J. Prutow. 11.
- Webb, Robert Alexander. Edited by C. N. Willborn. Neighborhood and Brotherhood: From Elements of Truth, volume 2 (1915). 16.
- White, J. Wesley. Review: J. Mark Beach. Christ and the Covenant: Francis Turretin’s Federal Theology as a Defense of the Doctrine of Grace. 4.
- White, J. Wesley. The Denial of the Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ: Piscator on Justification. 3.
- White, Wes. Review: Willem J. Van Asselt, et al., Scholastic Discourse: Johannes Maccovius (1588–1644) on Theological and Philosophical Distinctions and Rules. 7.
- Willborn, C. N. A Children’s Book about God’s Hesed: T. D. Witherspoon’s Children of the Covenant. 14.
- Willborn, C. N. Eschatology and the Westminster Standards. 4.
- Willborn, C. N. Family Religion: Adoption in the Reformation Tradition: An Essential Element of the Gospel Message. 13.
- Willborn, C. N. Hodge and Thornwell: “Princes in Israel.” 8.
- Willborn, C. N. James Henley Thornwell: An American Theologian. 9.
- Willborn, C. N. Nineteenth Century Southern Presbyterians: Some Theological and Pastoral Distinctives. 15.
- Willborn, C. N. Presbyterians in the South and the Slave: A Study in Benevolence. 3.
- Willborn, C. N. Review: Benjamin Morgan Palmer, The Broken Home; or Lessons in Sorrows. 12.
- Willborn, C. N. Review: Sean Michael Lucas, Robert Lewis Dabney: A Southern Presbyterian Life. 2.
- Willborn, C. N. Review: T. V. Moore, The Last Days of Jesus. 7.
- Willborn, C. N. Robert Lewis Dabney and the Problem of Original Sin. 18.
- Willborn, C. N. Sanctification, the Law, and Good Works: Their Relationship in the American Reformed Tradition. 11.
- Willborn, C. N. The Deacon: A Divine Right Office with Divine Uses. 5.
- Willborn, C. N. The Gospel Work of the Diaconate: A Ministry “Proportioned in Number.” 10.
- Willborn, C. N. The Ministerial and Declarative Powers of the Church and In Thesi Deliverances. 1.
- Willborn, C. N. The Soul of the Church: The Church’s Spiritual Mission. 16.
- Willet, Andrew and William Jones. In Translatiōne: Commendation of Nicholas Bownd’s Sabbathvm veteris et Novi Testamenti. 10.
- Willour, Geoffrey L. Is the Westminster Confession’s Doctrine of the Sabbath a Judaizing Doctrine? 12.
- Winzer, Matthew. Review: Nick Needham, “Westminster and Worship: Psalms, Hymns? and Musical Instruments?” in The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, volume 2, ed. J. Ligon Duncan. 4.
- Winzer, Matthew. The True History of Paedo-Communion. 3.
- Winzer, Matthew. The Westminster Assembly & the Judicial Law: A Chronological Compilation and Analysis. Part Two: Analysis. 5.
- Witherspoon, Thomas Dwight. Christ. His Constraining Love. A Sermon by T. D. Witherspoon. 14.
- Wright, Iain. John Knox and the Reformation by the Rev. Dr. James Begg. 7.
- Zanchi, Jerome. In Brief: Zanchius on “Remember the Sabbath day” (cited in Bownd) 12.
- Zaspel, Fred G. B. B. Warfield on Creation and Evolution. 6.
- Zaspel, Fred G. Princeton and Evolution. 8.