The Confessional Presbyterian 10 (2014)

CPJ-10-mastheadThis issue is 272 pp (approx. 239,296 words); it is OUT OF PRINT. For the tenth issue of The Confessional Presbyterian Journal we feature Machen on the cover. This is another hard issue to pick favorites. The most feedback has been received on Dr. Willborn’s piece on “The Gospel Work of the Diaconate,” which paired with other pieces I know several sessions are using in deacon training. This issue saw the completion of the Sic et Non exchange over “Westminster Seminary California Distinctives?” Also, the lengthy piece on Thomas Rogers and Nicholas Bownd, while a niche study of Puritan Sabbatarianism and Elizabethan Puritanism, is significant for the discovery and transcription of an heretofore unnoticed letter the severe conformist wrote to the author of the first scholarly English Sabbatarian book, shedding additional light on the first Sabbatarian controversy in English literature.

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3.         J. Gresham Machen and LeRoy Gresham:  Cousins, Confidants, and Churchmen. By Barry Waugh

13.       By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them—A Timely Admonition from an Ancient Narrative: A Sermon on Genesis 9:18–29. By Joseph E. Rolison

23.       The Gospel Work of the Diaconate: A Ministry “Proportioned in Number”. By C. N. Willborn

33.       Puritan Instruction for Profitable Hearing of Sermons. By Andy Perry

47.       McLeod Campbell, Edwards and Atonement. By Jeffrey A. Stivason

57.       An Extraordinary Case of the Use of the Extraordinary Clause. By Barry Waugh

73.       Stephen Charnock’s Christological Knowledge of God in A Discourse of the Knowledge of God in Christ. By Jae-Eun Park

83.       De Jure Divino Presbyterianism. By Benjamin Shaw

89.       The Practice of Lent and the Reformed Tradition. By Roland S. Barnes

100.     The Liturgical Nature of Ecclesial Ministry. By Glen J. Clary

113.     Anti-Sabbatarian Scold: Thomas Rogers’ Letter to Nicholas Bownd, April 29, 1598. By Chris Coldwell

171.      Sic et Non. Views in Review: III. Westminster Seminary California Distinctives?

            I. Law and Gospel . By Mark A. Garcia with Response by Michael S. Horton

189.     II. The Reformed Two Kingdoms Doctrine. By Jeffrey C. Waddington with Response by David VanDrunen

205       Reviews & Responses: Joel R. Beeke and Mark Jones, A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life (Carl R. Trueman) 205 ■ John M. Frame, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief (Wes Bredenhof) 207 ■ N.T. Wright, Pauline Perspectives: Essays on Paul, 1978–2013 / N.T. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God (Lane Keister) 210 ■ Sinclair Ferguson, From the Mouth of God: Trusting, Reading, and Applying the Bible (Jeffrey Stivason) 212 ■ Review Article: Wright on Evil: N. T. Wright, Evil and the Justice of God (Jeffrey Stivason) 214 ■ Richard C. Barcellos, The Lord’s Supper as a Means of Grace: More than a Memory (G. Stephen Weaver, Jr.) 221 ■ Bradley J. Longfield, Presbyterians and American Culture: A History (D. G. Hart) 223 ■

225       Psallo: Psalm 57:1–11

228       In Translatiōne: Nicholas Bownd’s Sabbathvm veteris et Novi Testamenti: Commendations by Andrew Willet & William Jones

234       Antiquary: Nicholas Bownd’s Sabbathum Veteris et Novi Testamenti: or the True Doctrine of the Sabbath

            260      Author Index: The Confessional Presbyterian, volumes 110 (20052014)

.           In Brief: J. G. Machen and the Benham and Checker Clubs (12) ■ Excerpt from Machen’s What is Faith? (22) ■ J. G. Machen, Christ our Substitute (56) ■ Machen, Tyranny of Unbelief (82) ■ Defining Divine Right (87) ■ In Librum D. N. Boundi, De Doctrna de Sabbatho, Gualteri Aleni Pothumus (244) ■



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