The Confessional Presbyterian 17 (2021)

This issue is 248pp. Purchase this issue at GPTS, and other back issue volumes at the CPJ online store

Cover: Herman Bavinck (1854–1921)
Table of Content

2. Editorial
3. Herman Bavinck: An Interpreter of Modernity
By James Eglinton
10. Hope for the Modern Self: On Bavinck’s “Christian Science”
By Cory C. Brock
17. Locating the Mystery: Bavinck and Van Til on Immutability and Anthropomorphism
By Lane G. Tipton
23. Herman Bavinck’s “The Leading Ideas of Calvin’s Institutes”
By Gregory Parker Jr.
33. Herman Bavinck, the Two Kingdoms, and Reformed Social Ethics
By Ron Gleason
51. “A Pillar and Buttress of the Truth” Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Inaugural Address, March 11, 2021
By Jonathan L. Master
61. Judges 6–8:32: Gideon
By Thomas G. Reid Jr.
81. University Studies and Ordination to the Ministry of George Gillespie (1613–1648)
By Chris Coldwell
92. Samuel Rutherford and the Theology and Practice of Preaching
By Matthew A. Vogan
104. In Pursuit of an Owenian Pastoral Theology II: The Pastor and his Work
according to John Owen
By Angelo O. Valle
119. “Creeding” Between the Lines Animus Imponentis & Confessional Integrity in the OPC’s Creation Report
By Lowell A. Ivey
127. Winnowing Fork or Harvest? A Paedobaptist Assessment of the Credobaptist Interpretation of Jeremiah 31 as seen in Stephen Wellum’s “Baptism and the Relationship Between Covenants”
By Robert D. Golding
137. Soundly Converted: Enchurchment as a Feature of Christian Conversion in Evangelistic Practice
By Zachary Groff

151 Reviews & Responses: John Bower, The Confession of Faith: A Critical Text and Introduction (Alan D. Strange) 151 ■ Robert C. Bishop, et al., Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective (Wes Bredenhof) 153 ■ Frank J. Smith, Race, Church and Society (R. E. Knodel, Jr.) 159 ■ Cornelis Van Dam, In the Beginning: Listening to Genesis 1 and 2 (Benjamin Shaw) 160 ■ Gyeongcheol Gwon, Christ and the Old Covenant: Francis Turretin (1623–1687) on Christ’s Suretyship under the Old Testament, Reformed Historical Theology, v. 51 (Thomas Haviland-Pabst) 162 ■ Theodore Beza, A Learned Treatise on the Plague, Translated by Edward Percival (1665), Modernized with an Introduction by Bennie Castle—Ludwig Lavater, Disease, Scarcity, and Famine: A Reformation Perspective on God and Plagues, Translated and Edited by Michael Hunter—Matthew A. Vogan, Matthew J. Hyde, Worship and Witness in Crisis: Has the Church Failed the Covid Test?—Ernest Springer III, Joel E Yeager, Daniel O’Roark, Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church: A Sacred Trust Broken (Isaac T. Overton) 163 ■ Guy Prentiss Waters, J. Nicholas Reid, and John R. Muether, eds., Covenant Theology: Biblical, Theological, and Historical Perspectives (Lane Keister) 168 ■ Vern S. Poythress, The Mystery of the Trinity: A Trinitarian Approach to the Attributes of God (Scott Cook) 173 ■ Daniel I. Block, Covenant: The Framework of God’s Grand Plan of Redemption (Harrison Perkins) 175 ■ Books In Brief. Reviewed by Frank J. Smith:  Joel R. Beeke and Nick Thompson, Pastors and Their Critics: A Guide to Coping with Criticism in the Ministry 177 ■ Darby A. Strickland, Is It Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims 177 ■ Christopher Watkin, Gilles Deleuze 178 ■ Shao Kai Tseng, Immanuel Kant 178 ■ Robert Rollock, translated and introduced by Casey B. Carmichael, Commentary on Ephesians 178 ■ John Flavel, abridged by J. Stephen Yuille, Christ and His Threefold Office 179 ■ John Flavel, abridged by J. Stephen Yuille, Christ Humbled Yet Exalted 180 ■ Scott Christensen, What About Evil? A Defense of God’s Sovereign Glory 180 ■ John D. Currid, The Case for Biblical Archaeology: Uncovering the Historical Record of God’s Old Testament People 182 ■ John Shower, The Lord’s Supper: Doctrines, Encouragements, and Duties 182 ■

183 Psallo: Psalm 32:1–7
186 Antiquary: The James Durham MSS IV: Lectures on the Revelation of John
233 Bibliography
243 Et Mortuus Adhuc Per Eam Loquitur: Thomas M‘Crie’s Last Sermon
248 The Editors
. In Brief: Death of the Rev. Dr. M‘Crie (56–60) ■ In Brief: Lines on the Death of Dr. M‘Crie (80) ■ In Brief: Extract: Thomas M‘Crie’s Statement of the Difference, Brief View of the Evidence for the Exercise of Civil Authority about Religion (1871) (134–136) ■ In Brief: David Dickson on Psalm 32:6–7 (184) ■

The Confessional Presbyterian 17

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