This issue is 312 pp. (approx. 309,885 words). The fourth issue of The Confessional Presbyterian journal was the largest to date. A personal favorite piece in this issue was the translation of chapter 19 from Samuel Rutherford’s Latin lectures on the subject of the civil magistrate. The three part series was concluded based upon research into the federal period printers, T & J Swords. This issue remains in print.
To purchase this and other volumes see the online store.
3. American Presbyterianism, Geology, and the Days of Creation. By Frank J. Smith, Ph.D., D.D.
17. Olevianus and the Old Perspective on Paul: A Preliminary Report. By R. Scott Clark, D.Phil.
29. For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free: John Owen’s A Discourse Concerning Liturgies, and Their Imposition. By Daniel R. Hyde
43. The Ministerial Shortage Problem in Presbyterian History & George Howe’s Appeal for More Ministers. By Barry Waugh, Ph.D.
52. An Appeal to the Young Men of the Presbyterian Church by George Howe (1802–1883). Transcribed by Barry Waugh, Ph.D.
72. According to Augustine. By W. Gary Crampton, Th.D.
109. Martyrdom, Mission and the Belgic Confession. By Wes Bredenhof
122. John Calvin on Human Government and the State. By David W. Hall, Ph.D.
136. The Centrality of the Holy Spirit in Reformed Theology: A Robust Pneumatology. By Shane Lems
142. Should Women Teach or Have Authority Over Men in the Church? An Exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:8–15. By Lane Keister
151. The Covenant Of Works Revived: John Owen on Republication in the Mosaic Covenant. By Michael Brown, M.Div.
162. Samuel Rutherford’s Supralapsarianism Revealed: A Key to the Lapsarian Position of the Westminster Confession of Faith? By Guy M. Richard, Ph.D.
171. Eschatology and the Westminster Standards. By C. N. Willborn
183. Baptismal Regeneration and the Westminster Confession of Faith. By D. Patrick Ramsey
194. The Affirmation of the Imputation of the Active Obedience of Christ at the Westminster Assembly of Divines. By Alan Strange
210. Reviews & Responses: J. Mark Beach. Christ and the Covenant: Francis Turretin’s Federal Theology as a Defense of the Doctrine of Grace (J. Wesley White) 210 ■ Bruce Waltke, with Charles Yu, An Old Testament Theology: An Exegetical, Canonical, and Thematic Approach (Lane Keister) 212 ■ Robert L. Reymond, Faith’s Reasons For Believing: An Apologetic Antidote to Mindless Christianity (W. Gary Crampton) 214 ■ Carl R. Trueman, John Owen: Reformed Catholic, Renaissance Man (Mark Jones) 217 ■ D. G. Hart and John R. Muether, Seeking a Better Country: 300 Years of American Presbyterianism (Andrew M. McGinnis) 222 ■ Recent Reformed Writings on Worship (Frank J. Smith) | ■ Reggie M. Kidd, With One Voice: Discovering Christ’s Song in Our Worship 227 ■ Paxson H. Jeancake, The Art of Worship: Opening Our Eyes to the Beauty of the Gospel 230 ■ John M. Frame, “The Second Commandment: Regulating Worship,” in The Doctrine of the Christian Life: A Theology of Lordship 233 ■ Robert L. Dickie, What the Bible Teaches About Worship 238 ■ Richard A. Muller and Rowland S. Ward, Scripture and Worship: Biblical Interpretation and the Directory for Public Worship 239 ■ R. C. Sproul, Truths We Confess: A Layman’s Guide to the Westminster Confession of Faith, Volume 2: Salvation and the Christian Life and A Taste of Heaven: Worship in the Light of Eternity 240 ■ Dominic A. Aquila, “Redemptive History and the Regulative Principle of Worship,” in The Hope Fulfilled: Essays in Honor of O. Palmer Robertson 244 ■ W. L. Bredenhof, “A Guide to Reformed Worship,” ten articles in The Clarion 247 ■ Cory Griess, “The Regulative Principle: A Confessional Examination,” Protestant Reformed Theological Journal 248 ■ Mark Dalbey, “Christian Worship,” Online Course Lectures, Covenant Theological Seminary 248 ■ Blogroll: Andrew J. Webb, Building Old School Presbyterian Churches; Jeffrey J. Meyers, Corrigenda Denuo; Sean Michael Lucas, Sean Michael Lucas; R. Scott Clark, The Heidelblog; Will Shin, Thoughts & Actions. 249 ■ A Conversation on Denominational Renewal, February 26–28, 2008, Bill Boyd, “Worship,” Matt Brown, “Ecclesiology,” Jeremy Jones, “Theological Reflection.” 251 | ■ Nick Needham, “Westminster and Worship: Psalms, Hymns? and Musical Instruments?” in The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century, volume 2, ed. J. Ligon Duncan (Matthew Winzer) 253 ■
267. Psallo: Psalm 110
270. In Translatiōne: Samuel Rutherford: Examen Arminianismi, Chapter 19: Of the Civil Magistrate.
277. Antiquary: T. & J. Swords. Part Three: The ‘High Churchism’ Controversy
In Brief: Olevianus on Law and Gospel (28) ■ George Howe, D.D. (1802–1883) A Bibliography of Published Works (69) ■ Stephen Marshall, A Defence of Infant Baptism (191) ■